Needle Stick Preventor – 3 Pack

Needle Stick Preventor – 3 Pack

Regular price $18.50

• A handy device to prevent needle stick injuries.
• Designed to fit the Optimiser injector/vaccinator and Ultimate UBMV injector. These applicators are on pages 120 and 121 of this catalogue.
• This is a safe and economical way to inject all livestock.The needle stick preventor screws onto injector after the needle has been secured.
• The retractable sleeve protects the needle and also reduces the risk of needle stick and scratch injuries.
• The sleeve of the needle stick preventor will retract when pushed against the animal.
• The needle stick preventor is only suitable for needles sizes of 1/2″ (12mm) or less.With the Ultimate UBMV, for a 12mm size needle
• The needle will only inject to approximately 11mm
• The head of the needle stick preventor should be dipped in disinfectant between each injection and thoroughly cleaned after use.

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